Reptiles and Amphibians
Komodo dragon
Diet: Carrion, mammals and smaller Komodo dragons.
Range: Komodo national park (Komodo, Rinca, Gili Montang and Gili Dasami) and Flores.
Description: Giant grey-brown lizard with a squarish head and long tail.
Fun fact: Komodo dragons' saliva is poisonous - when it bits it's prey, it can follow it for weeks, waiting for it to slowly die.

False gharial
Diet: Fish, Invertebrates and small mammals.
Range: Southeast Asia.
Description: Long crocodile-thing with a long snout.
Fun fact: These odd-looking things are vulnerable because of draining of their swamps and hunting for their meat.

Desert tortoise
Diet: Roots, leaves, fruit, grass and vines.
Description: Light brown tortoise.
Fun fact: These reptiles like to build burrows to keep them cool, sometimes they can fit up to 25 into them.

Diet: Anything it can catch (things like small fish).
Range: Southern Mexico.
Description: Peach-or-black-coloured, tadpole-like thing with red and black frills on its head.
Fun fact: This odd looking amphibian can regrow lost limbs and even parts of its brain!

Limosa harlequin frog
Diet: Invertebrates.
Range: Panama.
Description: Frog with yellow and brown splodges and a red tummy.
Fun fact: Female Limosa harlequin frogs are brighter than the males.

Kihansi spray toad
Diet: Invertebrates.
Range: Tanzania.
Description: Yellow frog from 1 to 1.8cm long.
Fun fact: This tiny toad was extinct in the wild in 2003 and, before that, only lived near Kihansi waterfall.

Gila monster
Diet: Small mammals and birds, lizards, eggs of birds and reptiles.
Range: Southwest United states and northwest Mexico.
Description: Small black and orange lizard.
Fun fact: These funny-looking things only need to eat less then a dozen times a year.

Golden lancehead
Diet: Perching birds and lizards.
Range: Endemic to Il ha du Queimada Grande (Snake island) off the coast of Brazil.
Description: Dotty golden snake.
Fun fact: Golden lanceheads' venom contain a toxin that can melt human flesh.

Leatherback sea turtle
Diet: Jellyfish.
Range: Worldwide.
Description: Large blue-grey turtle.
Fun fact: Leatherback turtles mistakes plastic for Jellyfish and eat them - this is one reason for why they are endangered.

Panamanian golden frog
Diet: Small Invertebrates.
Range: Panama.
Description: Bright yellow frog with black dots.
Fun fact: Panamanian golden frogs are a symbol of good luck in Panama.
Tomato frog
Diet: Invertebrates and mice.
Range: Madagascar.
Description: Red-orange frog with a cream underside.
Fun fact: When a predator tries to eat a Tomato frog, it will let out an irritating mucus.

Houston toad
Diet: Beetles, ants and other toads.
Range: Southeastern Texas.
Description: Bumpy, swampy-green toad.
Fun fact: Houston toads have been on the endangered list since 1974.

Komodo Dragon - Wikipedia
Gila Monster - Wikipedia
False Gharial - Wikipedia
Golden Lancehead - Wikipedia
Desert Tortoise - Wikipedia
Leatherback Sea Turtle - WWF
Axolotl - Wikipedia
Panamanian Golden Frog - Wikipedia
Limosa Harlequin Frog - Wikipedia
Tomato Frog - Frog Pets
Kihansi Spray Toad - National Geographic
Houston Toad - Wikipedia