Crested wood partridge
Diet: Fruits, seeds and Invertebrates.
Range: Southeast Asia.
Description: Small, round, quail-like birds - males are dark blue and females are green.
Fun fact: They often follow wild pigs to find food.

Mauritius pink pigeon
Diet: Buds, leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers.
Range: Mauritius.
Description: White and brown pigeon with a red beak.
Fun fact: They almost went extinct in 1991 when there was only ten left.

Northern bald ibis
Diet: Lizards, small mammals, ground-nesting birds and Invertebrates.
Range: Morocco and Turkey.
Description: Dark blue bird with iridescent feathers and a bald pink head.
Fun fact: They are endangered due to hunting and habitat destruction.

California condor
Diet: Carrion.
Range: Western United States.
Description: Large black bird of prey with a bald pink bird.
Fun fact: California condors nearly went extinct because they ate animals killed by humans and digested the poisonous bullets.

Scottish crossbill
Diet: Scots pine cones.
Range: Northeast Scotland.
Description: Small finches with a crossed beak that they use to extract seeds from pine cones - males are red and females are green.
Fun fact: Scottish crossbills are the only vertebrate endemic to the UK.

Bali mynah
Diet: Fruit, seeds and Invertebrates.
Range: Bali.
Description: Small white bird with a blue eye patch.
Fun fact: Bali mynahes almost went extinct due to the illegal pet trade.

Victoria crowned pigeon
Diet: Fruit and seeds.
Range: New Guinea and nearby islands.
Description: Large blue pigeon with red eyes, a purple chest and long, elaborate feathers on top of its head.
Fun fact: They are endangered because of logging and hunting.

Shoebill stork
Diet: Fish and reptiles.
Range: Central Africa.
Description: Large blue stork with a huge wide bill.
Fun fact: They are classed as vulnerable.

Galapagos hawk
Diet: Lizards, rats, medium-sized birds, iguanas, grasshoppers and carrion.
Range: Galapagos islands.
Description: Small, speckled brown, white and yellow bird of prey.
Fun fact: These birds hunt in groups of about three and, when hunting, can fly to a height of 200 metres.

Snowy plover
Diet: Invertebrates.
Range: Western United States and South America.
Description: Small white and grey tern-like bird.
Fun fact: Snowy plovers like to make their nests on sandy beaches where they are camouflaged - which makes them vulnerable to being stepped on.

Gouldian finch
Diet: Grass seeds.
Range: Australia.
Description: Small finch with a green back, purple chest and yellow underside.
Fun fact: These finches are endangered because of habitat loss.

Yellow-eyed penguin
Diet: Fish and squid.
Range: New Zealand's sub-Antarctic islands.
Description: middle-sized penguin with a cream crown.
Fun fact: These birds like to nest under trees and logs.

Crested Wood Partridge - Wikipedia
Victoria Crowned Pigeon - Wikipedia
Mauritius Pink Pigeon - ZSL
Shoebill Stork - National Geographic
Northern Bald Ibis - BirdLife International
Galapagos Hawk - The Galapagos Conservation Trust
California Condor - Wikipedia
Snowy Plover - Wikipedia
Scottish Crossbill - Birds of the World
Gouldian Finch - Australian Geographic
Bali Mynah - Bali Safari Park
Yellow-eyed Penguin - Centre for Biological Diversity