Diet: Crabs, squids and fish.
Range: Gulf of California.
Description: Small, bluey-grey porpoise.
Fun fact: There is only about 12 Vaquitas left in the world due to over-fishing.

Diet: Large mammals, berries, Invertebrates and reptiles.
Range: South and Southeast Asia.
Description: Orange wolf-like species of dog.
Fun fact: They can jump 3.7 metres high and as far as 6.1 metres.

Fishing cat
Diet: Fish.
Range: Southeast Asia.
Description: Mottled fur with stripes down face.
Fun fact: These cats may look like the ones that live on our sofas, but they prefer to go fishing then sleep all day - you can't be scared of water when you're a Fishing cat!

Diet: Fruit, insects, eggs and birds - prefers figs.
Range: East and Southeast Asia.
Description: Dark grey fur with a bear-like head and cat-like body.
Fun fact: The Binturong is the only carnivore with a prehensile (like a fifth limb) tail.

Coquerel's sifaka
Diet: Plant material.
Range: Northern Madagascar.
Description: White and brown lemur.
Fun fact: When a troop finds food, the females eat first.

Baird's tapir
Diet: Leaves, fruit, twigs, flowers and grasses.
Range: Mexico and central America.
Description: Large brown tapir.
Fun fact: These are the largest tapirs in South America.

Northern Atlantic Right Whale
Diet: Zooplankton.
Range: North Atlantic Ocean.
Description: Dark grey whale.
Fun fact: These whales are called 'right' whales because fishermen thought they were the right whale to hunt.

African painted dog
Diet: Wild hoofed mammals like Zebras and Impala.
Range: Africa.
Description: Cream, black and brown wild dog with round ears.
Fun fact: These dogs hunt in family packs with a dominant male and female.

Diet: Lemurs and small mammals.
Range: Endemic to Madagascar
Description: Toffee coloured cat-like civet with orange eyes and a cream underside.
Fun fact: These odd looking things spend just as much time in trees as on the ground.

Cotton-top tamarins
Diet: Insects, fruit, sap and small reptiles and amphibians.
Range: Northwest Colombia.
Description: Small brown and white monkey.
Fun fact: These monkeys are endangered because of isolation. Their forests get cut down and they are left with hundreds of miles to the next bit of forest.

Javan rhino
Diet: Leaves, shoots, twigs and fruit.
Range: Southeast Asia.
Description: Grey rhino with one horn.
Fun fact: They are only found in two wildlife parks due to hunting for its horn.

Bactrian camel
Diet: Plant material and fruit.
Range: Northern Asia.
Description: Large, hairy camel.
Fun fact: After a drought or period without water, they can drink up to a quarter of their body weight in one go!

Vaquita - Greenpeace
North Atlantic Right Whale - International Fund for Animal Welfare
Dhole - Shropshire Star
African Painted dog - WWF
Fishing cat - WWF
Fossa - Reef and Rainforest Tours
Cotton-top tamarin - Wikipedia
Coquerel's sifaka - Wikipedia
Javan rhino - WWF
Baird's Tapir - Wikipedia
Bactrian Camel - Wikipedia